Our Mission
“ Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.”
James 1:27a
We believe that as followers of Jesus, we are meant to follow His example in service to those in need. Summit Christian Church has supported many different ministries all around the globe and opened an orphanage in India last year. Missions and outreach is an essential component of who we are as a church family and will continue to support what God is doing in our backyard and around the world.
Christa’s Home
In 2022, we partnered with Angel House to open an orphanage named Christa’s Home for twelve children in Rajeev Nagar, India. Christa’s Home was named in loving memory of Christa Knuth. Our mission and vision with opening this home is to provide the care and love of Jesus that every child deserves. There are currently thirty-one million children affected by the orphan crisis in India. These children were the most vulnerable in society and now have a safe place with loving house parents, access to education, and a chance to grow up with the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We believe that by helping these children, we will not only be providing twelve precious lives with a new future, but will be affecting generations for the Kingdom of God.
And because of all your generosity, Christa’s Home officially opened in December of 2022.
Christ for the City
Christ for the City is a ministry committed to the transformation of communities and the development of leaders in the name of Christ. They have ministries in over 15 countries serving through more than 100 different ministries.
We currently partner with Christ for the City in their work in the country of Costa Rica. Through their ministries, we support community development projects, after care for victims of human trafficking, summer camps for at-risk youth, and housing and aid for former gang members. We will continue to partner with this amazing ministry as they see lives changed through practical assistance and the love of Christ.

Have Questions?
Do you have questions for our team? We would love to help you! Send us an email below and we will do our best to answer your questions about our Mission.